Extension Well Cost Down To Deepest Targets | Espanol |
Extended Well Cost to 3700 Meters
Work Description: Drill 6.125" hole from 2100 m. to 3700 m. Log.
Run 5" liner to 3700 m. casing.
Complete with a single string 2.375" tubing. Test.
Costs were extrapolated from a higher cost inaccessible jungle.
PetroInti 13 Charlottetown Place St. John's, Newfoundland A1A 2P5 FAX: 1 (709) REX-LIMA |
Well Cost Schedule from 2100 to 3700 Meters, Slimhole to the base of the deepest target P/DAY DRILL RUN CSG TOTAL COST & LOG TEST, COM WELL COST Expenses \ Days > 30 7 37 Administrative Overhead 1500 45000 10500 55500 Bits, Scrapers, Reamers 20000 2000 22000 Camp and Catering 600 18000 4200 22200 Casing Inspection & Repair 15000 10000 25000 Cementing 25000 15000 40000 Contract Labour 200 6000 1400 7400 Core Handle and Analysis 20000 10000 30000 Direct Supervision 1300 39000 9100 48100 Drilling Rig 10000 300000 70000 370000 Electric Logging 110000 50000 160000 Formation & WSO Tests 15000 20000 35000 Lab Tests 5000 10000 15000 Location & Road +/- 5 km. 0 0 0 Air Strip,Wharf,Whse&Camp 0 0 0 Misc. Services 500 15000 3500 18500 Misc. Supplies 200 6000 1400 7400 Mud & Chemicals, MW=9.0 0 20000 20000 Mud Logging 600 18000 4200 22200 Other Maint. & Repairs 200 6000 1400 7400 Perforating 0 26000 26000 Rig Mob & Demob 0 0 0 Tool & Equipment Rentals 1500 45000 10500 55500 Trans. - Materials 50000 50000 100000 Trans. - Others 500 15000 3500 18500 Well Stimulation 0 50000 50000 Water Supply 0 0 0 Contingency 20% 154600 76540 231140 TOTAL INTANGIBLES 927600 459240 1386840 Casing - 9.625" 0 0 0 Casing - Production 7" 0 90000 90000 Casing Accessories 35000 15000 50000 Downhole Equipment 0 20000 20000 Surface Lift Equipment 0 0 0 Tubing -40000 70000 30000 Wellhead Equipment 0 0 0 TOTAL TANGIBLES -5000 195000 190000 TOTAL 922600 654240 1576840 If the columns are out of alignment, change your font to courier.
Shallow Drilling |