Ozone Replacement
Problem: The US has filled the stratosphere with CFC (Chloro Fluoro
Carbons) which are destroying ozone. Whereas the Ozone layer protects the
world from excessive ultraviolet radiation, skin cancer is becoming rampant,
wild animals are developing cataracts, frogs and cod eggs are dying.
Obligation: The US owes it to the themselves, the world and to
Nature to repair their damage.
Solution: To make ozone to replace the ozone lost to existing
CFC's. Newfoundland has surplus hydro, blocked from market by enemy Quebec,
which may power a massive ozone replacement plant. Whereas this would be a
new source of hydro-electricity it would neither create any pollution, nor
would it necessitate any other electricity generation to replace a drop in
general electricity supply.
Economical: Newfoundland would gladly charge only 80% the US
market price for electricity from our Lower Churchill power. Living in
nature, Newfoundlanders see it as an honour to offer hydro electricity so
cheap for such a worthy cause.
Email your thoughts.