Coal Fired Engines
Alternat Energy Solutions

Technology: None applied since the steam locomotive. Space age materials can now hold the super heat of coal for over a week, yet suffer no damage. A steam variable pitch turbine would power the engine. Another coolant would rapidly condense the steam to water and reheat the water being injected into the light superhot furnace.

Such a turbine engine could be perfectly balanced so as to last ten times longer than combustion engines and be cheaper to maintain, just needing new bearings. The variable pitch turbines allows for smooth power-speed translation without any need for a transmission.

Potential: Oil barron countries may run their automobiles on cheap coal.

Development: Originally countries like Poland and South Africa would command their universities to design such an engine for locamotives, ships, electrical gernerators and other large engines. The technology would then be refined for smaller engines until fitting into small automobiles. The country which developes this technology first may get the patents and start a new industry with great export value worth the current value of the difference between buying gasoline versus coal.


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