Microbe EOR
Alternat Energy Solutions

Problem: Only 30% of oil ever flows from an oil field! The remaining 70% remains stuck to the rock.

Potential: Old, long dead oil fields, which have produced billions of barrels of oil, may produce even more in the future.

Solution: Microbes which eat some oil and produce surfactants. The surfactants loosen the remaining oil from the rock to flow freely to the oil wells. This special microbe actually enjoys oil and produces surfactants. The surfactant mixes with oil so that the oil repulses from the reservoir rock and flows with water.

Profit: Those having this special microbe may buy mineral rights to long expired oil fields and then produce oil from the old field for pennies a barrel. The exploration, geology, and well drilling costs having already been paid. A single dead giant oil field yielding a billion barrels at just $1/barrel and sold for $20/barrel would yield $19,000,000,000. The hard work of freeing the oil done by hapless microbes which are satisfied just to eat some oil!

Worldwide we could see a tripling of Ultimate Recoverable Reserves which would amply supply oil demand for the next century. First for profit will be the dormant giant oil fields. Then smaller fields. Then those giant oil fields which currently yield very low recovery, such as the "like lard" oil off of Congo's SW coast, Venezuela's Orinoco heavy oil belt, and the tar sands of Canada's Praires. Finally many reservoirs which electric logs show have up to 30% oil content - which is not enough to actually flow any oil - will yield 80% of the oil in place instead of 0%!

Action: The microbe described already exists and I want to be part of the team which first utilises it.


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